Get to Know…. In the first of a series of interviews with the crew and creators of “Stevie Hyper D: The Hidden Influence’’. I sat down with first time film-makers and possibly the most ambitious documentarians you’re likely to meet, Director / Producer Jamie BC & Writer / Producer Darrell Austin. Tom: So, question number one, how did you two …
Stevie Hyper D: The Hidden Influence [Production Update]
So, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog, and although there may have been radio silence that’s not to say Team Hyper D haven’t been busy, quite the opposite actually, Team Hyper D has been pushing and polishing the film to make something we’re super proud of. As anyone who has created something will attest to, a piece …
Into The Edit, and Beyond…
After years of planning, shooting, replanning, researching, shooting again, hosting events and tracking down archive footage and pictures, it’s time to edit the film. To say this has been a labour of love from everyone involved is an understatement. I came onto this project late in the process and instantly fell in love with the story. The work Darrell and …
That’s a Wrap!
With the main body of filming now complete for The Hidden Influence, and Team Hyper D fully recovered (it only took a month!) We can share some exclusive Behind-The-Scenes photos of our last days behind the camera. The last four days of shooting saw us traverse London (several times), head to iconic record shops, take over both a double-decker bus …