So, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog, and although there may have been radio silence that’s not to say Team Hyper D haven’t been busy, quite the opposite actually, Team Hyper D has been pushing and polishing the film to make something we’re super proud of.
As anyone who has created something will attest to, a piece of art is never really done, especially something that means so much to the creators. This is especially true for us, as “The Hidden Influence” has been added to and improved upon with every one of the multiple different cuts, resulting in something we feel is really special.
Since we started this project it was important to everyone on the team to create something that not only captured the magic of the scene, but the undeniable genius that Stevie held, not only on the mic, but the infectious laughter he spread to those around him. At its heart, the film is a story of family, not only in a literal sense but all the people drawn to him.
We’ve now shown a handful of people the mostly completed film and the response has been incredible. Team Hyper D couldn’t be more excited to share it with you.
Without spoiling too much you can expect interviews from some of the biggest names in the scene, classics tunes and so much more.
As it stands, (all being well) we’re aiming to do the first public showing of the film in the final quarter of this year, so keep your eyes out for further updates, interviews and news stories and much much more in the coming months.
T – Team Hyper D